Monday, January 22, 2007

Pro-Life, or something like it.

Wow. It seems like the abortion issue, usually kept at bay as being "a bit too taboo for discussion at dinner parties" came crawling out of the woodwork this weekend and today just in time for the 34th anniversary of Roe v Wade (not planned at all by activist groups or the like... I am sure...)

First, my roommate tells me over breakfast how she had finally found an article that perfectly articulated her feelings on abortion. (See the Washington Post citation below). As there is probably not enough blogging time or space to comment on the article content right now, lets just say that my roommate and I have 2 "issues that we have agreed we cannot civilly discuss:" Abortion/Emergency Contraception and Hillary Clinton... but that will have to be saved for another blog.

Anyway, then, as I was sitting at my desk drinking my mint tea, I realized that the mug I grabbed in my half-awake state this morning had a child's drawing and "Choose Life!" splayed in Comic Sans font. How appropriate considering the March for Life was occuring as I sat at my desk printing out form letters (no vacation time...sad face).

How fitting also, that on this sad anniversary of the legalization of abortion in the US, should the press choose to consider newly-announced presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton's record on the issue. For once, I took the time to read one of the incessant "JW in the News" emails that my boss sends me. And for once, I actually agree with my place of employment on something (see the shout out to Judicial Watch in the Lucas article... we've done a lot of work in the Clinton Presidential Library). How ironic would it be if abortion were a breaking issue in the 2008 campaigns?

Then, to end my day, the ad that so beautifull adorns this entry was displayed in my metro car. I was so excited I took a picture on my camera phone. I really did. Lets wake up America. We're running out of excuses to default on our morality.

Lucas, Fred. "Sen. Clinton's Abortion Record May Haunt '08 Campaign." Cybercast News Service. 22 Jan. 2007. Available WWW:

Murry, Shailagh. "Democrats Seek to Avert Abortion Clashes." The Washington Post. 21 Jan. 2007, Pp. A05. Available WWW:

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